Charisma News Articles
Bert is an established author who has written multiple books and has been a featured blogger for Charisma magazine for many years as well as having his own blog. You can read some of Bert's Charisma articles by clicking on the picture to the right.
The Flaming Herald (charismanews.com)

TV Broadcast w/ Sid Roth on
"It's Supernatural"
Bert Farias says there is a diabolical plot to remove major sections from the Bible — a move that we don't even talk about today, which will cost us the power of God and, for some, even their very salvation.

Christ for all Nations - Bert Farias
"Today Rev. Bert Farias discusses his latest book “Passing the Move of God to the Next Generation” with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda."
Kingdom of Light Network
Join the Kingdom of Light Network as the broadcast from Londonderry Access Center TV as Bert speaks on The Forgotten Message of Repentance.
Face to Face School of the Spirit
Several years ago when we began praying together on a more consistent basis something wonderful and phenomenal started happening. Carolyn began speaking forth prolific utterances and the wisdom of God out of her mouth. Those Spirit-inspired utterances became very precious to us that I began to record our prayer sessions and transcribe them to paper later. The Lord instructed us to “draw forth in prayer My Wisdom to give to the people and to the body of Christ in this hour”.
Behind the Veil (3 seasons)
These are a series of videos that were originally broadcast into the Arabic world in both English and Arabic.
Seasons 1, 2 & 3 available on our Youtube channel.
These are a series of videos to stir up your spiritual appetite and fill you with fresh oil. When the scriptures are opened to you like they were to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus your heart will burn within you (Luke 24:32).
Encouragement to the Nation
Bert sharing on how real change and healing in any nation begins with the Church and its leadership.
Lifting up Jesus in France
Bert & Carolyn Ministering in France in January 2020