The prophet Hosea said this:
“The king and his officials take great pleasure in their sin and DECEIT.”
This scripture speaks to the regularity of deceit found in kings, presidents, and world leaders and their cronies or officials.
As most of you probably did, during the recent presidential inauguration I was carefully watching the other presidents’ reactions to some of the things President Trump was saying. I’m not saying Trump is a saint, far from it, but you have to admire his courage and strength to say things most presidents and kings and politicians would never say. Frankly, it’s one of the first reasons why I liked him. He seems to speak more plainly, and matter of factly, than most presidents and political leaders. I see far less guile in him than the others. Sorry if that offends you and this too. The Clintons are full of guile. The Bushes. The Bidens. Obama is the worst. As soon as I heard that man speak years ago I saw a snake in his mouth and this scripture bore witness:
“His lips are smoother than oil, but war is in his heart.”

Interesting that it was his presidency that opened the door wide to the socialist Marxism ideology that seemed to grow in our government and nation since then. A prince of darkness entered into our nation through his presidency. Many professing Christians were deceived by his words and deceitful charm. Did you happen to watch him smiling and mingling with Trump during Carter’s funeral and then again after the inauguration? Some people called it ‘class’, but it is a deceitful act. I have never trusted him. And please don’t call me a racist. This has nothing to do with color. Color was the card the devil used to cause so many professing Christians to vote for him twice. I cried when he was elected a second time. Jesus spoke plainly about the true character of leaders.
“ On that very day some Pharisees came, saying to Him, “Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to kill You.”
And He said to them, “Go, tell that FOX… (Luke 13:31-32)
Jesus called king Herod a fox, which means a cunning and crafty, and deceitful one.
There is much lying and deceit in the world, especially in the political arena, and if believers are not careful to renew their minds and sanctify their hearts before the Lord, lying and deceit will be found in the Church. Some synonyms for deceit include cunning, craftiness, artifice, guile, duplicity, craft, wiliness, dishonesty, and fraud.
Jesus always discerned the true character of people. He wasn’t ruled by His physical senses or the sight of the eye or hearing of the ear. Outward appearance never deceived Him. He saw through into men’s hearts. There are many examples of this in the gospels. Here is one:
“Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no DECEIT!” (John 1:47)
He Who had no deceit discerned another who had no deceit. Interesting. Like attracts like. There’s a proverb that says:
“A wicked ruler will have wicked aides on his staff.” (Proverbs 29:12 - TLB)
“For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps:
“Who committed no sin, nor was DECEIT found in His mouth”… (1 Peter 2:21-22)
Jesus is called FAITHFUL and TRUE. He had no deceit in Him or in His mouth. Deceit has its roots in the motives of the heart. This is the place the Holy Spirit will always touch with His fire because the motive of the heart is the root of every word you speak and every deed you do. Motives are the bedrock of all of God’s judgments. At the judgment seat of Christ our motives will be laid bare. This work of purifying our hearts’ motives is where judgment in the house of God begins. It is what the Lord is doing in His body and Church right now. It is also the reason we cannot enter into false judgment based only on outward appearance. God sees the heart.
Almost all human beings have something to hide. Nearly everyone twist words, events, and situations to their own advantage, to place themselves in the best possible light. Most men have ulterior motives and hidden agendas.
Personally, this is the part of my life I constantly pay more attention to. Why did I do that? Why did I just say that? Why did I just write what I wrote? No hiding. Full disclosure. Until we can say that Satan has nothing in us we will not see the fullness of God’s power and authority working in our lives.
Let’s walk before the judgment seat of Christ right now while we are on the earth. Let’s weigh our motives through the lens of the Holy Spirit so that we will not be found naked on that Day.
All that’s done in pure love, by the leading of the Spirit, and for the honor and glory of God will reap the fullest rewards.
(If you are interested in this theme, refer to our book, PURITY OF HEART - a presentation and preparation for the judgment seat of Christ).
Bert Farias' books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. His newly advertised 4-book bundle, addresses many falsehoods and unequal measures in the Church today and introduces a plumb line of unadulterated truth that is nearly irresistible. His newest releases, Turning Your Trials Into Gold, is a powerful testimony of how God raised up Bert and his wife Carolyn from a sick bed and near death. And then the one just published that affects all of us, Unveiling The Mystery of Death.
Thank you for this message,
It needs to be heard!!