It’s 2:00 AM West Coast time, 5:00 AM ET. A bomb just went off in my spirit.
The new developments and divine preparations and plans that are being made in this late hour in the history of humanity are simply amazing! We are so thrilled to just have a small part in what will soon become a great display of the manifold wisdom of God among the angelic rulers and principalities in the heavenly places in this nation and globally as well. It’s happening everywhere.
As soon as my eyes popped open this morning the Lord was already speaking to me. It seemed like all through the night as my body slept and rested from a cross country trip my spirit was fully awake. Remember, our God never sleeps nor slumbers. The seeding of my first thoughts as my mind caught up to my spirit were on how divine this assignment in southern California is. It’s so much bigger than just a series of meetings. Yet it is only one pocket of strategic planning and holy preparations and impartations that will result in the glorious Church coming into divine order and the reaping of a great harvest of souls across America.
I received an incredible message from our spiritual son in Colombia early this morning. Actually it was from last night, but I was too tired to listen to it until now. He also sent a video with a message from a leading apostle in the nation about including Carolyn and I on the ticket of a gathering of some of the top leaders, pastors, and churches in Colombia (we are scheduled to be there from August 24-Sept. 13). This is it!!! It is an effectual door!
Please pray in agreement for the Church and the nation of Colombia. National elections are coming up and there is a stirring of crisis and turmoil in the country. Colombia is the gateway into South America. We will be on a call later today with them as soon as the rest of the Western Hemisphere awakens.
“For a great and effectual door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” (1 Corinthians 16:9)
I’ve been sharing with dear friends and others on this FB medium how strategic our international trips are this year and even into 2023 already doors are opening even in Europe. But our own beloved nation is not being left out. God is on the move. We have strategic assignments here as well.
For example, I’ve had two recent Zoom calls with apostolic and prophetic men from different parts of the nation who are sensing great change and divine activity right here in the homeland. These calls have evolved into Holy Ghost Forums punctuated with the sharing of heavenly visions, dreams, exhortations, prayer, prophecy, and even tongues and interpretation. Light and revelation is stirring in everyone on these calls. Something so divine is happening! It truly is a brand new day.
The late Leonard Ravenhill said that the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity. This is one of those opportunities! Many nations are receiving their last call and will not receive another. God has been so merciful and long suffering.
We have underground workers in the Islamic nation of Chad, third and fourth generation disciples from our years in Africa, who are seeing a great breakthrough and mighty harvest among the unreached. Also, as some of you know, I’m working in cooperation with CFAN in Guinea Bissau to literally invade the entire nation with 40-50 evangelists on the ground by years end in cooperation with city fathers, bishops, pastors and churches to reap and care for the largest harvest of souls the Church in this nation has ever seen.
Furthermore in Gambia where we lived as missionaries in the 1990s, a former student of ours, now moving in apostolic ministry, has invited Carolyn and I to minister in a regional conference of pastors and church leaders. This conference promises to be very strategic in bringing revival and divine order to the Church there. Other national leaders from other nations have promised to attend. I am exploding with prophetic insight and the revelation of things to come.
This is a collective movement of the body of Christ led by tried and true apostolic and prophetic men to take cities and nations. Please be sober and watch and pray toward these things, because it truly is the beginning of the last call, and a new love, honor, and unity working in the body of Christ, as I recently wrote about in my newest book, The Supernatural Church of Love and Power, and in my upcoming three books (yes, I’m writing 3 books at once), The Coming Restoration. You all better catch up on your reading. These are books for the body of Christ.
This is so much bigger than me, or any one man or one local church. It’s going to take the unity and cooperation of ministers and church leaders everywhere, birthed by an understanding of the body and how its individual ministries and members work (1 Cor. 12:27-30).
Stay tuned for forthcoming updates. Do not miss our Fall Holy Ghost Forum, Oct. 7-8 at The Crossing Life Church in Windham, NH. It will set a precedence for what the Lord is doing across the nation and globally. Please share this update and pass it on to friends and church leaders. We love you all dearly.
If you would consider sowing into these trips with financing and Prayer we would greatly appreciate it.