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A few years ago in a time of concentrated prayer Carolyn suddenly turned and pointed her finger to the West Coast and proclaimed: “God is opening a door for us on the West Coast!” I then responded: “It’s gonna have to be God because we don’t know anyone out there.”

A short time after that the Lord began to open an effectual door in California, Oregon, and even Alaska. It was amazing! But it happened, and is still happening just as He said.

We’ve been out here several times since then and have been filled with grace to minister His word in Spirit and power. Additionally, there have been several divine connections of lifetime relationships. This makes these day long trips out here all worthwhile. In the midst of some physical challenges and ongoing discomfort in our bodies these beautiful friendships have so enriched our lives and ministry. In seeking to always be a blessing we’ve been truly blessed.


A mighty prophet of the Lord named Ken Peters somehow got ahold of some of our books and began to follow our blog. He encouraged me and told me to keep writing, because very few were saying the things I was saying (this was the reason for the recent demonic attack on me to silence my voice). Like me, he was candid and direct in his preaching and didn’t sugar coat anything.

Often those kind of ministers are misunderstood and hated by many. People see their public persona but rarely see their private life with God. He was a man of deep prayer and acquainted with sufferings. When Carolyn and I were going through some recent severe physical challenges his wife Tonja Peters said she saw him one morning in prayer weeping for us.

He then told Tonja to send us some money. That really touched our hearts. We want to thank the many who did the same for us. Your heart-felt prayers and giving have sustained us and been a great encouragement to us.

Anyway, this divine connection ignited a series of others that opened up ministry on the West Coast for us, and here we are.

Thank you dear friends for all your love, prayers, and support.

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