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Years ago the Spirit of God gave me a definite word whose time has come. See below the vision and the plan.


Rise up, my son, stand to attention for I will assign you to be, as some would call it in army terminology, to be a part of my special forces. You shall go in and catch the enemy unaware and special skill shall be given that a work may be done by my Spirit.

You shall thrust into enemy camp and smother them through prayer and take the spoil, the souls of men. You will break forth with might and sharpness of vision, and you will stand in a place yet unfamiliar to you, and by my Spirit you will pierce this present darkness. My word shall be in your mouth as a sword of fire, and it shall pour forth and do a work even in cities. For I’ve called you to be a witness in the cities of America, to bear up on wings of eagles, to view it as I viewed Jerusalem long ago, and weep and cry in the streets and lift up my banner among them.

For I AM here in America as I AM in Africa, and you are willing so I will use you, my son.

Go forth and be not afraid for I have many in the cities of America that have not yet bowed their knee to Baal. Go forth and win. Go forth and conquer. Go forth and be a witness in the cities of America. And as you do, you’ll call others to arms and by My Spirit you shall recruit special forces of my troops. And you shall rally them to a cause that is greater than any cause. And one voice, two voices, three voices, many voices then shall rise and be heard in the streets of America… a voice crying as John the Baptist cried for repentance and awakening.

Rally the churches, My son. Rally the people. Rally the young men for they shall be my special forces, and so my voice shall be heard in this hour and come forth to call, to call, to call to all…

Rally them to pray. Rally them to call. I shall choose them by my will.


A small part of this vision was fulfilled years ago when we came off the mission field and were a part of leading an internship program in Pensacola, Florida. But now it is time for the greater and final fulfillment of it.

The plan is to network with ministers and church leaders across this country and create teams and streams of harvest hands to labor together in the great last days harvest that is before us. For starters I’ve tagged a number of ministers and church leaders that I personally know in America.


What I need from you is simply your contact information if you are interested in joining efforts. We have access to trucks, tents, equipment, wooden crosses to carry in the streets of our towns and cities, and a network of radical working evangelists who are not celebrities looking for their next offering. They work.

We need pastors, church leaders and apostolic men and elders and deacons who are willing to work together for the sake of lost souls, and who have the ability to pull churches and leaders together in a city. Also we need those who have a heart to fund these evangelistic invasions.

Please PM or email me ( your contact info. if you’d like to be a part of this network as a resource. It’s open to anyone who simply has a heart to be a part of this sweeping move for God that has begun in America. Please include the city and state you are in.


To unite the body of Christ and bring churches and ministries together in a city or region for corporate prayer, equipping, and soul winning.

Will you join us?

Our first invasion will be launched in May in Waterbury, CT.

"...That all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me." (John 17:21)

We need givers, pray-ers, senders, and goers. I’m not looking for likes, but shares and contact info. from those interested.

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1 comentario

12 mar 2022

“…Celebrities looking for their next offering.” Loved that dividing, fiery sword! Keep swinging!!

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