Its unfortunate but another popular leader and Calvinist teacher Dr. Steve Lawson has been exposed for adultery.

Its unfortunate but another popular leader and Calvinist teacher Dr. Steve Lawson has been exposed for adultery. He has made statements before that people who do things like that were never saved to begin with. I wonder what he thinks now. Or maybe he still stands by his once-saved, always-saved doctrine, and that’s why he lived in an adulterous affair. Or as a friend of mine suggested, perhaps he crossed over to the Armenian side and believes that a person can fall away and walk away from God.
Here are my initial thoughts:
First, I feel so sorry for his wife and family. They did nothing to warrant this pain and embarrassment.
Secondly, I am heartbroken over his choices. Of course, the devil is at work in these moments, but the decisions were the minister's choice. The devil does what he does, but we choose to yield to it, rather than the empowering grace of God. The minister is culpable.
Thirdly, as it is written, the Lord is shaking all that can be shaken (Heb 12:25). He is cleaning His House & parachurch ministries (1 Pt. 4:17). He is revealing all that is hidden (Lk 8:17). My general advice is that now is the time to repent & get clean before the Lord (Mk 1:15).
Fourth, your doctrine is only adorned by its fruit. You can be theologically accurate and miles away from Jesus.
Finally, If you are faithfully laboring and ministering in obscurity, loving and staying faithful to your spouse and family, and walking your talk, preaching and living your sound doctrine…
Then your stock is rising.
Character remains such a huge foundational issue in this hour, and its deficit is hurting the body of Christ.
And let me also add this:
When leaders bring harm to the body of Christ through their lack of character, sinful lifestyles, and unbiblical doctrines they are in fact hurting the Lord and the cause of Christ.
“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
I marvel at the Lord’s long suffering under this dispensation of grace, but sooner or later judgement catches up to you, especially if it’s bringing great harm to the body of Christ. I know Christians don’t like to hear this, but eventually these men can become reprobates, or be turned over for the destruction of their flesh, so that their souls might be saved. That is also the mercy of God.
Friends, we are coming into the fearful days of Ananias & Saphirra, and we will see some drop dead, even in their own pulpits. Sometimes that’s what it takes for the fear of the Lord to be established again in His people.
There’s never been a more important time now, that with fear and trembling we must work out our own salvation.
Celebrity ministry is just about done. And I for one, am happy for it.
Bert Farias' books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. His recent five-book bundle, written under a fresh anointing, is a forerunner of what the Lord is doing in His church today. His newest release, Turning Your Trials Into Gold, is a powerful testimony of how God raised up Bert and his wife Carolyn from a sick bed and near death.