Part of the devil’s strategy is to drown out and dilute the real and genuine anointing of the Holy Spirit. He does this through mixtures as he did at Philippi with the spirit of divination who followed Paul and his team around testifying for them. Ha!
Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour. (Acts 16:16-18)
Satan used a slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination to identify her and her fortune telling with Paul, and his team. This type of strategy has always been the devil’s master plan to defile the church of God with other mixtures. “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” is the devil’s chief mode of operation. Throughout history and increasingly so today, Christianity is a myriad of traditions, doctrines of demons, witchcraft, and New Age gobbledygook. Unfortunately, some of this mixture has also infiltrated into the Pentecostal/Charismatic camp.
Furthermore, with the increase of technology and media, especially over the last two decades, anyone can set up his own “Christian” platform and have a “ministry”. Because I’m a Christian author, I’ve noticed in the book publishing market how prevalent this is. There are a myriad of “Christian” books in such a competitive market today that makes it increasingly difficult for the average Christian to discern between the genuine and the counterfeit, or better said, “the good from the God”.
There is a jungle of spiritual junk out there that doesn’t profit your spiritual life. Some Christians develop an appetite for the wrong kind of spiritual diet. They eat a lot of “spiritual” cookies and candy that is not conducive to their spiritual growth and health. It’s a hyper-grace, happiness/prosperity gospel that dulls your spiritual senses and leaves you empty of the real milk and meat of the Word.
In 2005 the Lord spoke to me and told me to begin to write on what He called lost themes and understated truths in the body of Christ. Themes such as holiness, heaven and hell, the judgements of God, the second coming of Christ, etc. are under-emphasized and diluted with mixtures in the marketplace of Christianity today.
When He told me this my mind went back to a few years earlier to the winter of 2001-02 when the Lord told me that writing was my life’s greatest work. For various reasons, I found that hard to believe the time he spoke it to me. Then I proved it out and amazing favor and open doors began to manifest.
Holiness and the fear of the Lord have been imparted to many readers. Reviews and testimonies have been very encouraging. Joy fills my heart at how many lives have been changed just from reading a book. I love His grace to write! It fulfills me. It’s a calling. Every book I write is like an artist with his paintings. It’s grinding work that doesn’t feel like work. It’s so fulfilling and all the moreso when there is a heavenly eternal purpose attached to it.
I just completed book # 13, and 14 is on the way. I was sidelined with health challenges last year and when I started recovering, I noticed that the anointing to minister and to write increased. You could say I’m making up for lost time. Praise the Lord for the restoration of my health and calling!
Thank you for the love, prayers, and support of so many of you. Go get our newest book and buy one for a friend. Then, if it’s a blessing to you, kindly post a review on Amazon under my name and book. Only available on kindle right now. Paperback will be out soon.