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Writer's picture: Bert FariasBert Farias

I’m grateful for this new season of glory in my life. Opened my eyes at 4:00 this morning and the song, LIVING IN THE PRESENCE OF JESUS, filled my heart. So as to not disturb Carolyn, (Carolyn Ryan Farias) I left our hotel room and went downstairs to the lobby and found the album on YouTube. I listened and sang along and cried with each anointed song. What a precious and powerful psalmist anointing our pastor had! That kind of anointing is rare in our generation. But by the grace of God we’ve got to bring it back.

In my humble opinion, my pastor was one of the most anointed psalmists on the planet. He went to heaven a few days ago, and we we’ve been watching his memorial service online.


About three years ago the Lord quickened Carolyn and I to travel to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to go see him. The Lord told us that his race was not long to finish. When I walked into his office the Spirit of God rose up in me and I asked him this question:

“Pastor Jerry, if you had one week to live, what would be your last message to us?”

The Spirit of God stirred him and he began to write his life’s message on how to worship God in “Spirit and in truth”. We Face-timed him and spoke to him a few days before his departure, and he told us about the warfare that took place over the publishing of the book. Because of our recent trials to keep us out of the last and most fruitful phase of our ministry I totally understood what he was saying. Due to the ignorance and traditions of men, the publishing company wanted to change some things in the book, but pastor Jerry wouldn’t do it. After a long struggle, the publishing company finally yielded and decided to publish it as pastor Jerry wrote it. It is due to be released next month. I can’t wait to get it! We’ll be making them available at our Spring Holy Ghost Forum.


As some of our close friends know, in 2013 the Spirit of God began to move on Carolyn and I in prayer with a fresh anointing. Revelation poured forth and I began to write with a new anointing. Our prayer sessions were recorded and then transcribed. We have over 600 pages in a file that contain conversations in the classroom of the Holy Spirit. Gems of truth and pearls of wisdom. It’s just the grace of God operating through us for such a time as this.

The Lord said:

“Draw forth in prayer the provision of My wisdom for the body of Christ.”

I’m saying all that to say this. Just yesterday I posted prayer notes, or jottings, as we call them, on what God is doing globally in teaching His people to worship in “Spirit and in truth”. It’s what Carolyn and I have moved in for years but now it’s intensifying in us and those who seek to worship God this way. There is still much ignorance and tradition even in the Pentecostal/Charismatic Church in this area. I’ve already seen that in future Forums we are going to be moving more in this direction, and also equipping worship leaders and singers and musicians in true worship. Most are very talented, but don’t know how to move in the anointing too strong.

Stay tuned… follow our blog and you’ll receive a fresh anointing concerning these things. And make sure you look up Jerry Zirkle’s music and songs on YouTube. You’ll be blessed.

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