When you feel like you’ve come back from the dead, life in Jesus takes on a new dimension.
Your heart beams with love and gratitude for every new day of your earth walk and every member of the body of Christ; and every lost sinner and hurting soul.
I sincerely believe that this is the greatest work God is doing in local churches all across America and the nations of the world. It’s part of the great division that He is bringing between flesh churches and spirit churches, superficial churches and supernatural churches, traditional churches and love churches.
In the hour we are presently in, true faith is becoming very precious to many eternally-minded believers.
A trend I have picked up on over the past year or two is the growing discontentment with anyone who is superficial, lacking in authenticity or has the hallmarks of someone climbing or building a self-serving platform that uses people to further their own agenda.
Whether it is those in the political arena, or corporations or anyone that offers some kind of service, ministry and churches, it is just the same. Men and women want to connect with those who are genuine and selfless and who have no other agenda but to serve others.
This is the cry of my heart right now.
It echoes the same heart cry that was in the heart of Paul, the apostle, who was gripped by a great love and longing in his heart to see the faces of the saints and impart some spiritual gift to them that they might be established (Romans 1:11; 1 Thes. 2-17)
There is a deep hunger for these types of relationships because many have been starved of it for way too long. Authenticity is a rare commodity these days. Even when somebody comes across with this rare spirit at first contact, too often if you give them enough time their true colors will come through. You will inevitably find that they will only help you or hear you out if it benefits them!
How did we become like this? I can understand those in the world being like this but how has this come to infect so many who call themselves believers and ministers? Most people start out with pure motives but life has a way of burning us out and changing us from someone with pure motives into someone who merely sees others as a means to get to where they want to go.
This is “the spirit of the world” and it has no place in the hearts of men and women of God. And by men and women of God, I am not referring to a professional title, but to anyone who has been called by God to follow Jesus. We do not have a choice but to follow Him and to treat others the same way that He treats us. Not for what we can get out of them but for the beauty that we can help unlock in them.
Any other way of seeing others is being exposed to more and more people as their “eyes” are being opened. Many are awakening and seeing the world in a new light for the first time. It is like a spiritual renewal evidenced by this intense hunger for “spirit and truth” relationships.
People, knowingly or unknowingly, are longing for a genuine expression of the Christ life. To be loved unconditionally, not for what they can bring to the table, but just for who they are, is the longing of human hearts all over the world. God has put eternity in the heart of every man. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
This is the burning desire that is stirring up from within so many today...a desire to simply be loved and accepted and not to be seen as a number and a means to someone else’s end. And that is true for everyone, whether you are in
in business, or the common labor force, a millionaire, middle class, or poor; or just trying to make ends meet, and of course, if you are a member of a spiritual community.
May the heart and selfless Spirit of Christ have more and more of us each day!
I know I’m constantly promoting my books. It’s really because it’s my life’s greatest work, and honestly, I want to help everyone spiritually and eternally. It’s the passion of my life ever since God called me to preach four decades ago. I’m sorry if it comes across any other way. I know some grow tired of it, and it seems so self-serving, but a door barks, a bird chirps, and a writer writes.
It’s an overwhelming grace from God that makes you feel like you’re going to die if you don’t write.
Please know that I love you all and am committed to your success in the Lord. Carolyn and I hope to see many of you face to face in 2022.