The Father spoke that to me about a year or so ago. I didn’t fully understand it until now. And I’m still not sure I know the full extent of the Father’s heart and purpose for it. I just know He has greatly enlarged my heart and given me a love for the younger generation like never before, as we see
Malachi 4:5-6 playing out before us. It’s a beautiful thing.
Our HG Forums are led by a seasoned panel of Ephesians 4:11 ministers and elders of Biblical character. Together we father and mentor those whom God connects to us. It is His doing, not ours.
Our Holy Ghost Forums are conducted twice a year up here in New Hampshire, but we have occasionally done them in other cities and regions, and they are growing. Presently I am having discussions with a few apostolic leaders about hosting these Forums in their cities and regions. It’s exciting what the Lord is doing as teams and streams are moving together like never before in these days of the final harvest.
What makes these Forums unique and what people enjoy most about them is that most of the spiritual administration comes through a team of ministers, not just one person, and there is a high standard of wisdom and a flow of the Spirit that comes forth. In other words, discussions and input from the Word are punctuated with demonstrations of the Spirit and power of God. At times there are even contributions from the attendees and individual ministry, too. It is very fulfilling for us, and we all recognize that it is a special format designed by the Lord as an example to the body of Christ.
These HG Forums are much more than just having manifestations of the Spirit and learning His flow. As important as that is, they are also a schooling tool to activate saints and ministers into more effective ministry. Actually, they are evolving into a fathering/mentoring arm.
For example, we are in the process of setting up an apostolic umbrella for licensing and ordaining younger ministers. This is not something we ever set out to do, but more and more ministers and churches are coming to us and asking for this. Many feel like they are alone without the necessary fellowship and support from their own churches, or their churches are just not set up to meet this need.
This apostolic umbrella will not be governmental or hierarchical but more relational with the purpose of bringing more order to ministries and churches as we see it Biblically. We are not looking for paper membership with a long list of requirements, although undoubtedly there will be some. But it will all be dictated by relationship.
Furthermore, we believe it will include missionaries as well that are in close relationship with us, as most of our grace and experience is in missions.
In fact, at our October Forum, it will set a precedence for what is ahead for us and the body of Christ.
Don’t miss it! (October 7-8 in Windham NH)
We take great comfort in knowing that there are other seasoned ministers, panel elders, and leading men in our lives that are doing this with us. There is safety in a plurality of counsel.
Stay tuned...