By the grace of God, I’ve now come to a place of prayer, as probably many true pray-ers can attest to and confirm, where more help and a supply of the Spirit is needed to give birth to what God wants brought forth in this day and hour. We have no grid for it, except maybe the ministry of Jesus and the book of Acts. Even so, I believe the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former, as the Scripture tells us. I know it’s difficult for many to see right now because of the current condition of the world and much of the Church, but we will perform greater exploits and see greater miracles than they did in the early Church. Only in the place of groaning and travail, and spiritual prayer will you see this and know this (Romans 8:26; Galatians 4:19).

It’s almost as if there is a great body of water above us like the Atlantic Ocean, and, if more of the body of Christ could just reach up and pull some kind of lever, that all that water would come flooding down on us. It really will be an awakening, as some have said, and it is building now.
Let us pray, beloved, individually and corporately. For there is a power in prayer that needs to be channeled corporately, so that maximum results can be obtained.
(excerpt from new book, THE COMING RESTORATION) -- Coming next month...