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Most people do not realize the time, communication, hard work, the many hours of planning, preparation, and promotion it takes to put on even a mid-sized to small evangelistic campaign. But in the end, with the main focus on effectual fervent prayer, that is where success is found. All these ingredients were a part of the great success we enjoyed in this first campaign. There are not many churches or Christians in these rural areas, so the majority of the attendance each night consisted of Muslims, as you can see by the videos below. The first video just scans their faces prior to the start of the campaign. The second is of me giving the Muslim converts instructions on withstanding persecution, which they will undoubtedly face.


During most days of the night campaigns we poured into a few faithful shepherds. They will bear the primary responsibility of nurturing, feeding, and caring for these new converts from Islam. And they will also be co-laboring with us to establish an interdenominational Bible Training Center in their region that will fuel and equip the saints and churches. Many of these Muslim converts will be among our first students, so they will be assured of receiving sound doctrine and teaching from the beginning of their new life.


It was amazing to us to watch these Muslims attend our campaign every night with many coming from long distances. We paid for their transportation. Each night we could see their countenances becoming brighter and brighter with the light of God’s Word. And they were never in a hurry to leave. You could tell that they felt safe and secure, and loved on the crusades grounds. The presence and peace of God was there and that is something they do not experience in Islam.

Thank you to all our friends who prayed and helped fund this first campaign, and to those who partner with us, so we can continue doing these in other nations. You are our heroes.


I can already guarantee you lasting fruit from this campaign. Our director on the ground in Gambia is an excellent man with leadership skills to continue to oversee these follow-up efforts. He is organizing 3 other campaigns at the same time. We have one more on this trip in another region before other members of our team arrive in January to conduct two more. How exciting it is to see a harvest being reaped and disciples made in a difficult nation among virtually unreached people groups.

We could still use a bit more funds to cover some unexpected and miscellaneous costs to our upcoming campaign December 13-15. Links to give online and snail mail are below. Thank you so much!

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