Special Holy Ghost Forum October 7-8 here at our home base at The Crossing Life Church in Windham, NH. Please prayerfully consider being with us!
This is not a conference where most people think of going to a large auditorium with 100s and 1000s of strangers to hear speaker after speaker, have a few meals, see a few sites, then go home. That's not what this is. It's becoming more like a family reunion with about 100 or so people. There is a move of the Spirit and discussion of the Word He breathes through our anointed panel of ministers. We do also have rich fellowship around a meal and allow some time to visit and get to know one another. There is also an evening where apostles and elders connect for more fellowship and another meal.
By this time we should have had our new books published, and it will be timely for conversation as these new books pertain to much of what the Lord is doing now in the earth.
Many long-term friendships have developed through these Forums, and much wisdom and counsel from our panel has unlocked things in people’s spirits. This one will be promising in that regard, as Carolyn and I sense a greater moving of God in the days ahead— a real shifting in the Spirit to prepare God’s dear people for what’s to come.
Register HERE. The fees go toward helping with expenses for our panel of ministers, food, etc.
Most people come in a day early, on Thursday, and some stay a day later to take part in our Sunday church service under a strong anointing and presence.
Recommended dates to come are Thursday October 6-Sunday October 9. Thursday serves as an evening of rest from travel. Forum actually starts Friday evening, October 7, and into Saturday, October 8th for much of the day, with meals and fellowship.
Pray about joining us, especially if you count yourself as a friend to this ministry. You won’t be disappointed.
With much love and great expectation,
Bert and Carolyn Ryan Farias