What if God’s plan in this season is to dismantle what we thought was Him and His way, and rebuild according to His plan and purpose? The New Testament Church/Ekklesia is changing and evolving to resemble more the heavenly pattern and not the earthly mixture that it’s been.
After a lengthy illness and demonic attack to silence my voice after writing book #1 and 2 below, fresh revelation came, and day after day I heard beautiful words, and my tongue became the pen of a ready writer.
The local church today has been despised by many. The reason is because there are thousands of teachers who debate doctrine, but so few true fathers. The local church is a family that is made up of families. Fathers love the local church and would never do anything to hurt or harm the cause of the local ekklesia. They seek to build local churches according to the wisdom of the heavenly pattern. This is a present burden that we carry from the Lord - to build strong foundations in local churches and to father pastors, local elders, and young Ephesians 4:11 ministry gifts to be fruitful and multiply. My recent books are directed toward this purpose.
What’s the word of the Lord for the Church in 2023 and beyond? Right here!
1. Cleansing The Temple
2. The Tumultuous 2020s & Beyond
3. The Supernatural Church of Love & Power
4. The Coming Restoration
5. The Nature of The Kingdom of God
6. Divine Order & The Glory of The Local Church
7. Shaping Local Churches For The Move of The Holy Spirit ( to be released in January)
Mario Murillo and Dr. Michael Brown have graciously written Forewords for two of these books.
Get your copy on Amazon or here on our website before the New Year! Available in kindle and paperback versions.
There’s an anointing of fire and wisdom for a lifetime in each of these books for those who have ears to hear. Happy New Year everybody! Thank you for your love and support.
Our books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God, and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. If any of our books or articles on this blog are a blessing and encouragement to you please use the social media buttons below to share them. And kindly post a review on Amazon if any of our books were a blessing to you.
Also, this ministry is sustained by the freewill offerings of those who believe in the mandate and message of revival that this ministry carries to America and the nations. Would you prayerfully consider making an end-of-year tax-deductible contribution through our Paypal button to help continue to send us? Many thanks!