Here I lay on my last full day in Guinea Bissau. We did what we set out to do, or what the Lord assigned us to do. A 3-5 year plan has been set in motion. The 3-prong heavenly vision of teams and streams coming together to take a nation. It’s happening!
After 10s of thousands of salvations the evangelistic invasion in GB will continue. But today is the beginning of my assignment — to help spearhead the launching of Bible training centers in each region of this nation and to pour into the shepherds and elders to care for the harvest. It’s the revelation the Lord gave me that birthed the book, DIVINE ORDER & THE GLORY OF THE LOCAL CHURCH. You should get it in the link HERE. It is a forerunner of things to come.
But here’s the surprise. We are not stopping with Guinea Bissau. GAMBIA is next. This tiny Muslim nation will fall to the gospel. Plans are already in motion for a massive evangelistic invasion and the renewing and expansion of our Bible training centers there. And then SPAIN is in the wings as our sons and daughters prepare the way for me to continue moving into these nation-taking endeavors. We have a global network that is forming.
Too many Christians amass wealth and possessions but sow a percentage of it into religious visions instead of heavenly visions. Let me explain. As one example, statistics show that only 8-11% of local church funds go beyond the local church walls. We are in desperate need of an apostolic reformation.
All our lives we have specialized in doing much with little. But now we need to do more with more. We need people who have vision beyond their four walls. I have millionaire friends who have 7 cars. It hurts me to think how the total cost of those cars could finance nationwide initiatives that could sweep a nation into the kingdom of God. Americans spend more on dog food and potato chips than on financing the gospel, and I myself have a dog and eat potato chips (haha). Think of the extra you have lying around and sell it, and then sow it. Do a yard sale for missions. Be intentional about sowing into eternal souls.
Fund raising is not my favorite thing to do. I’d rather just keep moving with the gospel and not have to stop to fund-raise. But it’s become a necessity laid upon me. I’ve got national leaders with big families that have no electricity or running water in their home. As a spiritual father, I cannot help but feel some responsibility to care for them. Additionally, to fund our next nationwide invasion will cost us at least 100K. Then when you factor in the BTCs and it’s many needs you could add another 50K easily. And that does not even include the economic plans to build orphanages and dig wells. Guinea Bissau has many orphans. The government does nothing for them. Multitudes of villages are without wells. Water is life and such a precious commodity.
I do thank the core of friends who have sown into this present harvest, but we need so much more to make historic advances into these nations. The worst pain is when Christians promise money but don’t deliver. That lack of integrity in millionaire businessmen sent an apostolic friend of mine home early. He purchased land and buildings on their word, and then stressed out when they didn’t come through on their pledges.
Yesterday we needed 5K more monthly and an additional 50K. Tomorrow we need 100K. “For what?!”you say.
1. Travel funds 2. Sound systems for evangelists and BTCs 3. The translation of our Forerunner books into Portuguese and Spanish. 4. The funding of 6 crusades in all 6 regions of Gambia. 5. Materials and supplies for our dynamic BTCs. 6. Big money for our big training and sending base in Spain. Our son and daughter are still without housing and basic necessities in Spain. Yet they are making a huge impact in the harvest already.
We don’t multiply buildings. We multiply disciples. We raise up sons and daughters. I’m not living for this world. I’m living for His glory. Instead of local churches being threatened by strong ministry gifts in their midst, and hometown familiarity, they should totally fund them so they don’t have to run around the country looking for partnership for a heavenly vision.
We need 100 new partners to give at least $50 per month, and one time gifts that cover the aforementioned needs. If everyone reading this who know our hearts and ministry fruit, and track record would be intentionally prayerful about investing into this, we’d soar into these nation-taking endeavors. But I’m almost leary of those who will just like this post and move on to others. But God will get it done through the unsung. Millionaires will keep hoarding it up for a judgment and witness against them in these last days where harvest counts the most (James 5:1-7).
Please pray for us Col. 1:9-11. Consider sowing funds into these nation changing endeavors that will produce great harvest and disciples. There is no better soil anywhere. I can guarantee you that.
Thank you for your time and love and prayerful consideration today.
